


Type ( Spencer Sweet Pea )

Ht 6-8 Feet  1.8-2.4 Metre

Pale blue stripe on silvery background fading to dark blue, wavy wings vigorous and easy to grow, with long stems.

Scent 3-4 ***


  1. 10 seeds per pack  £2-40
  2. 50 seeds per pack  £11-50


Type ( Spencer Sweet Pea )

Ht 6-8 Feet  1.8-2.4 Metre

Bred by Place in 2001 Pale blue stripe on silvery background fading to dark blue, wavy wings vigorous and easy to grow, with long stems.

Scent 3-4 ***

N.S.P.S Classification 16 Fancy Striped

Seeds Per Pack

10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 50 Seeds

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