


Type ( Spencer Sweet Pea )

Exhibition cultivar

Large flowered mauve,  very ruffled. Standards strongly waved and reflexed with even colour. Wings strongly ruffled slightly darker than the standards slightly silvered below, keel white edged purple, good reliable strong grower with good scent. Exhibition and cut flower cultivar.

Scent 3-4****


SKU: "Eclipse" Category: Tag:
  1. 10 seeds per pack  £2-40
  2. 50 seeds per pack  £11-50


Type ( Spencer Sweet Pea )

Bred by Laidlaw, 1975 large flowered mauve,  very ruffled. Standards strongly waved and reflexed with even colour. Wings strongly ruffled slightly darker than the standards slightly silvered below, keel white edged purple, good reliable strong grower with good scent. Exhibition and cut flower cultivar.

Scent 3-4***

N.S.P.S Classification 7 Mauve

Seeds Per Pack

10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 50 Seeds

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