‘Monty Don’


“Monty Don”

Type ( Modern Grandiflora Sweet Pea ) 

Ht 6-8 Feet  1.8-2.4 Metre

A really smashing sweet pea, opens light maroon fading to dark maroon with age. Vigorous and easy to grow, old fashioned scent but sweeter with a hint of caramel on the finish.

Scent 5 ****** Extreme

N.S.P.S Classification as modern grandiflora sweet pea.

  1. 10 seeds per pack  £2-40
  2. 50 seeds per pack  £11-50

         “Monty Don”

          Type ( Modern Grandiflora Sweet Pea ) 

          Ht 6-8 Feet  1.8-2.4 Metre

          A really smashing sweet pea, opens light maroon fading to dark maroon with age. Vigorous and easy to grow,

          old fashioned scent but sweeter with a hint of caramel on the finish.

          Scent 5 ****** Extreme

          N.S.P.S Classification as modern grandiflora sweet pea.


Seeds Per Pack

10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 50 Seeds

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