Mrs Bernard Jones


“Mrs Bernard Jones”

Type ( Spencer Sweet Pea ) 

Ht 6-8 Feet  1.8-2.4 Metre

A classic large flowered cultivar. Bred by Bernard Jones 1981 Standards sugar pink very waved white at the edges. Wings coloured as standards, waved in rolls, whole flower pales with age. Exhibition cultivar, Named after the wife of the great sweet pea grower and breeder Bernard Jones

RHS Award of Garden Merit 1994

Scent 3 ***


SKU: N/A Category: Tag:
  1. 10 seeds per pack  £2-40
  2. 50 seeds per pack  £11-50

“Mrs Bernard Jones”

Type ( Spencer Sweet Pea ) 

Ht 6-8 Feet  1.8-2.4 Metre

A classic large flowered cultivar. Bred by Bernard Jones 1981 standards sugar pink very waved white at the edges. Wings coloured as standards, waved in rolls, whole flower pales with age. Exhibition cultivar, Named after the wife of the great sweet pea grower and breeder Bernard Jones

RHS Award of Garden Merit 1994

Scent 3 ***

NSPS Classification 10b Rose Pink (White ground)

Seeds Per Pack

10 Seeds, 20 Seeds, 50 Seeds

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